Specials ... Get glowing "close up" skin!
Dermaplane, Microneedling, with FREE stem cell and LightStim (LED)! $250
Factor 5 Stem Cell formulated to produce new skin cells and revitalize aging skin ... FAST!
Micro Exfoliation and LightStim (LED) package $125 Increase tone, texture, collagen, elasticity with ONE service!
CBD Facial to strengthen skin, firm, and promote new skin cell production, Dermaplane AND LightStim LED $90
Micro-Needling - Collagen Induction Therapy -- (60 min) $150 (see description under services tab)
Enhance your results by 155% with these treatments:
LightStim! Regular price $75 -- special $50 Photosynthesis for the skin LED light for instant collagen PLUMPING
Eye & Lip Rejuvenator -- Add this to your treatment to stimulate circulation and strengthen skin textture around eyes and lips using microcurrent $10
Gift Certificates are available for any service. Call or text 480-390-2264 or send a message through Contact tab. Thank you. Please call or text Ann at 480-390-2264 to schedule -- see you soon!
Mindful Skin Spa
2600 E Springfield PlaceChandler, AZ 85286
Tel: 480-390-2264